Tuesday 1 March 2011

Earthquake Safety


Have you ever wondered what to do during an earthquake? If you haven't, you'll find a whole bunch of good tips for you and your family, whether you are at home or on a vacation.
I've researched about this topic, and found fantastic things; what you can do
during an earthquake, after an earthquake, and before an earthquake.
But firstly, you have to know some basic facts that will lead you to survive in an earthquake.
The first step is, you have to be prepared. Reduce/eliminate hazards throughout your home, neighborhood, workplace and school- You can reduce your risk of injury, and most likely it helps you stay alive.
Make a plan! Practice "Drop cover and hold" by sitting on the ground, showing your back towards the protective table above you and hold something, for example, a table leg. Also, learn how to protect yourself no matter where you are while the earthquake strikes!!!!!!
Make disaster kits! You should have disaster supplies anywhere in your home, your disaster supply kits should include food, water, flashlights, portable radios, batteries, a first aid kit, cash, extra medications, a whistle, fire extinguisher, etc.

Before an earthquake:
1. Learn how to survive during the ground motion.
2. Teach all members of your family about earthquake safety.
3. Learn where the main turn-offs are for your water, gas and electricity. Know how to turn them off and the location of any needed tools.
4. Arrange your home for safety: Store heavy objects on lower shelves and store breakable objects in cabnents with latched doors.

During an Earthquake:
1. If you are indoors, stay there. You don't want heavy stuff falling on you from the buildings!
2. If you are outdoors, move somewhere where falling objects are unlikely to strike you. Stay away from buildings, power lines, and trees.
4. If you are driving, slow down slowly and and stop on the side of the road. Stay in the car.

After the Earthquake:
1. Check for damage. If your building is badly damaged, leave it until it is inspected by a safety professional.
2. If you smell or hear a gas leak, get everyone outside and open windows and doors.
3. If the power is out, unplug major appliances to prevent damage when the power is turned back on!

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