Tuesday 7 December 2010

Green Plastics

Bioplastic is developed as more environmentally friendly plastic and it is called bio because it is made up of sugarcane, corn etc... It is developed because scientists wanted to make plastic that is less harmful for the environment than classical plastic make up of polymers created in Factories.
What their plastic makes green is the idea that it is more environmentally friendly than plastic that we are using. It is created out of corn- and not from crude oil like classic plastic so it saves resources, but it still needs energy/electricity to be produced. It is also "green" because it uses renuable sources such as corn.

Some of the issues with plastic that are mentioned are how plastic is made by the process of polymerization (which is the condensation of monomers to get polymers.) These monomers are obtained from crude oil and that leads to pollution. Further on, it describes how natural monomers are obtained from natural sources (corn or sugarcane) - One of theses natural monomers is Lactic acid and how they are combined to make bioplastic. These bioplastics can be used for different objects we use, such as plastic knives, and even clothes! It then describes how this bioplastic can anyhow harm the environment by using pestisides' lands that can be use for food production. The production of corn can also pollute the water and air, by releasing fertilizers in water or carbon dioxide in the air. It can also affect the coming of food crisis because the land is used for corn and bioplastic but nor for food production! The scientists that is talking in this video also tells us the way that this plastic can be decomposed in decomposers called composters, however, it also mentions that this is not a happy solution because it releases carbon dioxide. It cannot be recycled with other plastics because the process of production is different.

So the question is: IS THE USE OF THIS BIOPLASTIC REALLY GREEN OT IS IT JUST A NICE TRY TO MINIMIZE THE NEGATIVE THINGS WE DO WITH CLASSIC PLASTIC? In my opinion, it is good to be developed but it should also be much more recycled and not thrown away as a waste product. I also think that scientists should work further to make it much greener. For example make the electricity production by solar power or wind power!!!

I believe that this green plastic can change our packaging package in order to develop the sense on how recycling and green products are important. For example, I can use the same plastic bag more times and not to throw it away immediately.

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