Monday 6 September 2010

Questions & Answers

1. Question:
What needs are met by an organism's environment?
Answer: An organism's needs include: Food, water, shelter, and other things it needs to live, grow, and reproduce from it's surroundings.

2. Question:
What are the two parts of an organism's habitat with which it interacts?
Answer: The two parts of an organism's habitat are: Living and Non-living. (Biotic and Abiotic)

3. Question:
What are the levels of organization within an ecosystem?
Answer: The levels of organization within an ecosystem is: population, community, ecosystem, then the organism.

4. Question: Why do you find different kinds of organisms in different habitats?
Answer: Because not all organisms can survive in a specific habitat. For example, if you took a trip to a very warm place, you would see palm trees, bright hibiscus flowers, and tiny lizards. But you would not see them on the frozen plains of Siberia, because those organisms would be dead immediately.

5. Question: How do animals prepare for such a change?
Answer: Well I think that sometimes animals migrate, meaning they leave to other places. But this is my question: How do they know when the change happens and when they have to leave?


  1. I think that you're right when you say that different organisms live in different environments, because it really wouldn't make sense for an animal like a cold-blooded chameleon to live at the North Pole.

    You had a really good idea about animals migrating before it gets too cold. I've read about how some species mate during the spring and raise their young in one place, and then move with the rest of the flock or herd to their winter habitat. Supposedly the animals just use instinct to guide them as to when they have to leave.

  2. I agree with mostly everything you said you stated all the things needed and didn't leave any (At least I think so) out. You also really explained why different organisms cannot survive in different habitats very well so that it was clearly understood.And I also agreed with that the two parts of a organisms habitat with which it interacts is Abiotic and Biotic. An only addition I could make is that with the last question I think that another way an animal can prepare and survive through a change in maybe, like what is happening now, temperature. The animal could collect food and perhaps go into hibernation and then eat it when it's hibernation it over. And last but not least, To answer you question Animals probably have an instinct that tells them when, where and how to do somethings to help them survive, for example birds know to go south during winter or a spider without being shown knows how to make a web. Hope I gave you good feedback and answered your question!
